• Carpenter Ant Damage Repair

    Carpenter ant damage found (damage done in less than 1 year). Stripped walls, doorway. Removed old insulation. Added drainage to front of house. Re-insulated. Replaced rotted seals & rotted studs. Re-sheathed wall. Water shield & typar around all doors and windows. Re-sided, trimmed, painted.

  • Blue Stone Patio & Fire Pit

    New blue stone patio; round fire pit with metal grates for cooking; split-rail cedar fence.

  • Field Stone Patio

  • Front Wall Repair

    Stripped old siding and sub wall; removed old windows and door. Fixed rot; framed for new windows. Sprayed 5.5 inches of foam installation. Foam insulation provides a R7 value per inch of foam for a total R35 value in wall; plus it seals the wall from drafts. Put up sub wall, Installed new windows. Installed …